gabrielle mitchell studio

Meet Gabrielle

Hello and welcome to Gabrielle Mitchell Studio: Fiber Arts & Then Some.

I'm Gabrielle, but, please, call me Gabi! I've always been interested in art and creating things, since the time I was a child. My mother, also a teacher, had me doing arts and crafts projects from the day I could grasp. She, along with my artistic (graphic designer) father, instilled in me a love for being creative and trying out new things. They always encouraged me to do what I loved and was passionate about (thus spending the last 14 years teaching early childhood/elementary education). I've dabbled in painting and drawing, worked with clay and other materials, for as long as I can remember. I have found art as a form of expression, as well a calming and enjoyable outlet. I've always like to push the boundaries with my art, but I've found over the years that I have never been truly consistent as an "artist." Often I might spend weeks with one medium only to stop for months before picking it up again. I always want to create but the demands of a busy NY life always seemed to get in the way.

After the passing of my father in January, 2016, I realized I needed something to do to channel my swarming thoughts. I didn't want to stifle my feelings, rather I wanted to sit with my feelings and use them to create again - to do something my dad would love and that would honor his memory, in a sense. I had stumbled upon many Instagram accounts of fellow weavers and decided that was what I wanted to try next. I made myself a loom out of cardboard, bought a plethora of yarn and thus "gsmcreates: weaver" was invented (February 2016). Now, several handmade (and purchased) looms later, MANY more skeins of yarn and a wall decorated with weavings, I believe I have officially become that title. 

I am also proud to introduce my new shop name: Gabrielle Mitchell Studio: Fiber Arts & Then Some. My father worked in the family business, Mitchell Studios Design Consultants, and growing up, I was so proud of the work he did as an artist. It has been a goal of mine to fuse his business name with my own as an honor to his memory. It has also felt like time for a rebranding for quite awhile. I wanted my business to truly represent who I am as an artist and what I want this business to be. Fiber arts because that has become such a passion. The & was included as a spinoff of arts and crafts and to encompass everything else I hope this business is and will become, a place to shop, a place to learn, a place to be, a place to create. And perhaps, even, something more I have yet to discover. 

I adore weaving and fiber arts, generally. I find the more I do it, the more creative I become, the more risks I take and the more I continue to fall in love with the process. I began this shop mostly as a way to make room for this growing obsession. But I also hope to grow a deeper appreciation of art and creativity. I hope to also share this wonderful craft with all of you. The goal of Gabrielle Mitchell Studio is to share a love of fiber arts & offer opportunities for creativity at your end (hence the "& Then Some" part). Once we are on the other side of 2020 and the global pandemic I hope to bring classes back to the mix! 

A great deal of thought and planning go into every handmade piece and new ideas are coming to me everyday. To share my love with you out there is just a lovely bonus. The idea of creating something for someone to enjoy and love as much as I do is a dream I never thought I would have, but our lives are funny and great like that. Thank you for taking the time to visit my shop, for reading my story and for the encouragement to keep doing what I love. Sending out much love to you.

